What is your return policy?

All returns are processed as store credit. Please refer to our Refund Policy page for all our information on returns & exchanges.

Do you have a physical store?

No. We are currently online only with all orders shipped from Nisswa, MN.

How can I modify a placed order?

Please reach out as soon as possible to info@lacyposh.com. If the order has not yet been shipped, we will do our best to modify the order.

What is the shipping method?
USPS is currently the shipping method and can be tracked at usps.com

How long will it take to ship my order?

Fast delivery is extremely important to us! If the items are in-house, the order will ship within 1-2 business days. If it is a pre-order item, it can take 2-4 weeks. 

How do pre-orders work?

By placing a pre-order, you are securing your purchase for an upcoming product launch. The product will be delivered within 2-4 weeks of placing the order. We promise to ship as soon as possible after the product is in-house at Lacy Posh Boutique!

How will I know if a product is a pre-order item? 

The purchase button will state PRE-ORDER along with additional pop-ups to ensure that you are aware that the item is an offered pre-order for an upcoming launch!